
HBO Zomer Promo HBO Winter Promo HBO 45" Promo HBO Autumn Promo 45" HBO Boardwalk Empire HBO Summer Promo HBO Promos NL In this suite of promos for HBO, all sounds were produced from scratch with almost NO original source audio being available to us during production. That meant [...]

Ziggo On Demand


Ziggo Promo Another promo from HBO / ZIGGO (Netherlands) that required full audio treatment. When creating this promos none of the original audio from the film clips could be used as I was unable to isolate it from the film's music track. This meant I had to create all [...]

HBO Autumn Promo


HBO Autumn Promo 45" HBO 45″ Promo Sound Design & Mix by Rod Morris / Musonic Edit by Hasan Cakir Produced by Richard Verdult @Media Choice NL Still some of the best fun I've had, sound designing this suite of proms for HBO.

HBO 45″


HBO 45" HBO 45" Promo Sound Design & Mix by Rod Morris / Musonic Edit by Hasan Cakir Produced by Richard Verdult @Media Choice NL